About Us

About Us

Paranormal Researchers of Minnesota is a small group formed of investigators that have all at some point dealt with some paranormal activity. It is of up-most importance that every investigation be taken seriously, and done correctly. Though this is a hobby for us, it is a professional hobby that is carefully considered. This means when doing investigations we treat each case with care. There is always the possibility of something that could be of demonic presence, and if not approached correctly, could turn out for the worst. 

 Helping Others 
 The Paranormal Researchers of Minnesota (PRM) is here to help clients with paranormal activity. For those who are in need of questions needing to be answered, and would like some input on why unexplainable things are happening where they live, or any business establishment. We are a non-profit group who does not charge for any investigations or time we put into this for our clients. This is strictly a hobby for us, but as such we treat this very serious and treat every investigation differently on a case by case basis. If you are in need of questions needing to be answered, or if you would like us to come investigate, please do not hesitate we are here to help! If you have children who seemed to be getting bothered by something unexplainable that may be of paranormal activity it is very important to make sure everyone feels safe at home. We set the investigations involving children on the top priority list, from which we would help these families out first, before attending other investigations. If you believe there might be something of evil presence or demonic, and would like to inquire about an investigation it is a good idea to be informative to whomever you are talking to, so when we arrive to do this type of investigation that we are properly prepared. We hope to help all those who are in need, and we will never turn down an investigation. So please contact us if you have questions and or need to set up an investigation!

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